

R :Man, Sushi is awesome……I like wasabi too.
M :Oh really? I thought Americans only understood Mustard and Ketchup.
R :Maggie gal, you really think that Americans are stupidos, don’t you?
M :You bet……..I mean,…can you say what you eating now in Japanese?
R :Of course, this is MEGRO
M :Nope. You are such a bloody MORON! Megro is the name of the station on Yamanote line. The answer is Magro..


R :我说这寿司牛好吃的说,我也喜欢青芥末。
M :真哒?我原本以为老美就知道芥子辣酱油和番茄酱…
R :Maggie你这家伙真当美国人傻子啊~
M :对额,我说你能用日语说你正吃的东东么!?
R :当然知道,这是MEGRO
M :才不是咧,你个二百五。MEGRO(目黒)是山手线车站名。应该是Magro(金枪鱼)。