
导演:Shinsuke ONO
主演:Yuya ENDO|Yukichi KOBAYASHI


野野村辉从小在一个小山镇长大,是个酷爱自行车的少年,童年时经常骑车涌爬坡道。不服输的阿辉所在的龟丘高中拥有一个颇具历史的自行车部。然而近来部员不断减少,自行车部面临着解散的危险。在车部他认识了王牌选手鸠村和已转校的吕彦。某天放学后,正在训练的阿辉被突然出现的吕彦轻而易举地超过了。从未尝过园失败滋味的阿辉第一次遇到了骑得比他快的人. 虽然阿辉一直努力训练,但不习惯团队活动的他却屡屡和其他部员发生冲突。随着时间的流逝,经历了许多事情之后的阿辉终于意识到了团队合作的重要性,他开始坚信队伍的胜利才是第一位的。

Teru has been brought up in a hill town and spent his childhood conquering the slopes on his bicycle. A cycling fanatic who resents defeat, he joins Kamegaoka High School, which used to boast a powerful cycling club. There he meets Hatomura, an ace of the club who wants to turn around the club which has deteriorated to the point of dissolution, and Yuta, an aloof cycling genius with unshaken confidence in his speed who does not allow others to follow him. Meeting a rival that is faster than him for the first time, Teru joins the club in order to challenge them. His only interest, however, is his own cycling speed. Joining the club teaches Teru the importance of teamwork to support the lead cyclist and to place priority on the victory of the team.


